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(sorry Japanese only in the NIKKEI article) MSI Robot Revolution: Thanks to Yoko Noge of Nikkei 負けるな、と言い聞かせる日々。 日本経済新聞「日本製も負けてない シカゴで米国初のロボット展 」シカゴ支局 野毛洋子さまに寄稿頂きました。 日経新聞…

Robots on Chicago Media

Thanks to NBC Chicago and ABC Chicago for covering Anie II Robot. Make sure to stop by this weekend, April 14 and 15 at the Museum of Science and Industry of Chicago for the National Robotics Week! Also, special Thanks to the Media in Chi…

Anie Robots in CHICAGO

[Chicago: April 7-15, 2012] Come see our TOPY's Anie II Robots debut at the Robot Revolution Block Party at National Robotic Week at MSI in Chicago! The robots will be used to inspect many different fields and GEMBAs. While there are many …