
新・アメリカ進出 設立登記から事業支援


RECAP Jan 2013

At ITA, everyone is expected to be a business and solution PRODUCER! 1月2日からスタートを切って、あっと言う間の2013年1月。 これから全部門の全案件でのインバウンド・アウトバウンドのプロジェクト推進され、それに伴いコラボレーターパートナー企業…


I expect that there will definitely be shortages of talents in the global workforce. As a small sign of this, a small venture company like us see increasing number of collaboration projects are coming in now. Hope we can expand our team me…

Cross-Industry Platforms

With friends and collaborators of former ANDERSON CONSULTING and PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS. Special thanks to the Japan and International team from Plante & Moran for the collaboration meeting invitation. Cross-industry collaboration are beco…

2013 Shin's Week 3

lifetimefitnessThe week ended with steam room. Oh, gossssshhhhhhhhh~! This is like the Summer in Japan. A great training to prepare for the summer business trip to Japan and detox for the week's grime and dirt. 今週も一週間お疲れ様でしたっ…

2013 Week 2 - Back Home!

Mirrus Back in Chicago now and I've played with the Mirrus digital mirror ads in the men's room at O'Hare. It's been a long tough week and need some good rest. I hope to recuperate and see you soon. さて、今週もお疲れ様でしたっ! 無事にオ…

Thanks Everyone & 2012!

We would like to extend our appreciation to everyone for your warm support for us and our teams throughout the year.We wish you a Happy New Year and a prosperous 2013. I would like personally to thank our team as well and congratulate thre…


年の瀬も迫り、慌しい日々ですね。 国内外の締め日に間に合うようにいくつかの製品入荷がありました。 今日明日で: ・コンピューター x 3台、 ・小口の航空便箱 x 10箱たち、 ・40フィートコンテナ x 3本、 などなどの出荷や納品があります。 米国…

ITA 2013 Holidays

いつも大変お世話になります。 日本のクライアントさま方々とは、依然スカイプmtgなどが続く日々で、昨夜も季節感がなくなってきていることが話題となりました。 さて、弊社のお休みについてアップいたします。 2012年の年末のお休みです。 ・Dec 31 (Mon…

Happy Holidays from ITA!

Happy Holidays to everyone around the world! Hope every peace and happiness to all. シカゴもすっかりクリスマスだったんですね。。。受験生が久しぶりに外出した感じですが、日々の生活と世の中のギャップに驚かされます。 少しはゆっくりしたいですね…

We Destroy!

Clients request us to dump their old PCs. With roaring sound, one of our teammates were destroying the computer hard drives before dumping them. Wiping the data is important, but sometimes you want to make sure the whiting process by analo…

ITA St Louis Style

IT Technology and Business team, Kuma-san in St Louis. From our business unit's global sourcing to IT technology unit. Technology: Remote support to entire USA, regularly scheduled maintenance, solution provider, consultant, security audit…

ITA Houston Style

Ritu (MBA), thanks for helping our marketing projects making hundreds of calls and compiling analyzing dedicated efforts! Hope to get you more involved in our global sourcing n sales projects too. By the way, you should miss Chicago weathe…

Our Japanese Style Office

Good going, Daisuke! (Kendo 5-dan)Hope to see Tomoko, Yusuke together in the pic as well. Amid a great deal of pressure, they will definitely be successful. アイティーエージャパン、あえて和室。 毎日一時間はシカゴとのオンライントレーニング…