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Augment Reality

MDR Augmented Reality

[Immediate Release] MDR Service on Augmented Reality is a must see mobile augment reality technology for documents and publications. (1)Very high recognition accuracy for mobile documents. (2)Fast searchable database recognizing a large nu…

CES 2012: Augment Reality

[CES BOOTH#: S-HALL 21767]>>Add to MyCES! [Immediate Release] A must see mobile augment reality technology for documents and publications. (1)Very high recognition accuracy for mobile documents. (2)Fast searchable database recognizing a la…

CES 2012: Augment Reality

[CES BOOTH#: S-HALL 21767]>>Add to MyCES! Mobile Digital Recognition Services now available bridging digital media and contents with augment reality! MDR-AR (AR application) MDR-CD (content downloader) Paper available for those meeting the…


スマートフォンアプリケーションにより更に拡張を続ける拡張現実。 アナログ・デジタルからデジタル・デジタルへ。 更にバーチャルリアリティやホロ技術で遠隔操作・制御へと発展しつづけます。 本日は放射能検査認定関係など盛りだくさん過ぎる打ち合わせで…