
新・アメリカ進出 設立登記から事業支援

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanual

We all thank Chicago Mayor, Rahm Emanuel, for his great support for us yesterday.

Asian American Business in the US grew by as much as 43% last year. We've made another history this time and shall shoot for 1,000 people.

We see that we collaborate better in the overseas, and despite the much higher hurdles and hardships faced, we shall all reach out back to each of our home countries to facilitate the same.

Turning appreciation towards Chicago and American into such dedications. We all can only create new great history together. We will all be gateways to the global business into Asian markets.

Special thanks to all of the volunteers and George Mui, Shelly Ng, and Koh Fujimoto who supported me throughout.

本イベント、活気あり盛況でした。 中国、韓国、台湾、インド、各国の方々、熱きサポートと理解に深謝です。 グローバルビジネスフォーラムでもトップバッターをつとめましたが、質問は全て日本関係でした。 みんな、日本への関心や期待が非常に高いです。 日本への直接間接投資が増えればと思います。 今後、米商務省は相当にチカラを入れていきます。 Tom, thanks for your support.

ITA japan