
新・アメリカ進出 設立登記から事業支援

with President of TOYOTA

"Let's Go Places."
My university senpai, president of Toyota Motor, Mr. Akio Toyoda gave a great opening eulogy and so many great leaders gathered to reminisce about Mr. Yoshihiro Yasui. Truly, one's passing away expresses his greatness by the number and the quality of friends and family gathered. Mr. Yasui has been one of my greatest mentors and business leaders and will continue to be so. I also would like to congratulate Meiji Electric for their market change in the Tokyo Stock Exchange market listing from JASDAQ (830 companies) to the second section of TSE listing (561 companies) on next Tuesday. Wish them the best and honored to serve their continued excellence in manufacturing industry support.


会長、社長、副頭取、学長、衆議院議員、、、何かあったら日本経済が大丈夫かというようなご参会された方々のお顔ぶれ、第二部もあわせますと1,000名超えされていたのではないでしょうか。 このような偉大なる皆様に惜しまれ、偲ばれ、さぞ喜んでおられることかと、一つ一つ頂いたお話を思い起こしながら、これからの一歩へと繋げさせて頂くあきらめない精神へと。 ご関係者の皆様、本日は誠に有難うございました。 
