
新・アメリカ進出 設立登記から事業支援

The Japan America Society of Chicago

Appointed as a new BoD for The Japan America Society of Chicago now. It is grateful to be able to start the support on this very special occasion and the society's 85th year.

Congratulation to Mr. Edward A. Grant, Former President of the Japan America Society of Chicago. He received the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette in recognition of his significant contributions to promoting friendship and mutual understanding between Japan and the United States. The prestigious decoration is conferred by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan.

Also, I would like to congratulate Mr. Baba in receiving a great award from the Japanese government this time! His efforts really counts and he really shines everyone else! Truly an honor to serve for him and his team members.

とてもではございませんが、 これだけの役職は全う出来るのか・・・と。


'00~:シカゴ三田会 【副会長】
'05~'07:経産省(独)中小企業基盤機構 【米国アドバイザー】
'05~:シカゴ日本商工会議所 開発文化サービス部会【副部会長】
'05~'08:シカゴ双葉会 【理事】
'06:シカゴ日本商工会議所40周年 日米交流運動会【実行副委員長】
'09~:シカゴ双葉会 【専務理事】
'09~:シカゴ伊藤忠会 【会長】
'10~:シカゴ双葉会同窓会 【会長】
’11~:ジェトロ 【アドバイザー】海外コーディネーター(米国)
'13: White House Initiative on AAPIs
'14~: AARP
'14: EGMTE Committee
'14: White House Initiative on AAPIs
'16: シカゴ三田会50th【実行委員長】
'16: シカゴ双葉会50th


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