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2015 Black FRIDAY Cyber MONDAY

Who's ready for Black Thursday, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday this year!? Please brief me on the best deals for this year, as I will be working during Thanksgiving. Thank you. #2015 Black Thursday #2015 Black Friday #2015 Cyber Monday い…


Business Insider 巷では狂気沙汰なアメリカ年末商戦を迎えています。 世界中が固唾をのんで見守るアメリカの年末商戦。 今年はNRFが13年前に統計を取り始めてから過去最高の売上となると予想。そして、13年の対前年比実質3.1%増を超える4.1%の617 billio…

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Thank you for your kind support to move forward towards our Mission of supporting globally integrate with the Japanese technology and business. Hope your Thanksgiving is filled with Peace, Love and Great Joy. "Happy Thanksgiving!" Black Th…

Black Thursday or Friday?

Are you a Black Thursday or Black Friday person? ...or Cyber Monday for 2012? What are some of the new trends this year in the holiday shopping? 2012年も早いものでアメリカの年末商戦。 今年はブラックフライデーかブラックサースデーか、どちら…

BF Riot-シカゴ暴動

Wow, unbelievable number of customers stormed into some retails for the Black Friday sales, couldn't get inside the stores with some riots here in Chicago-land! FRYS was also crazy but with the bigger store, they were ok. 深夜の大交通渋滞…