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Must See SixthSense Technology

Yeah, me too...I'm looking for a mundane Monday breakthrough after 20:00 in the office waiting for a phone conference to start at 21:00. Or, are you having difficulty recuperating from the Fourth of July holidays cozy mood? or, are you still on your vacation with your kids to do some summer science projects?

In either case, we all need to get out of yourselves and have different thinking or views. Certainly, we all need to use all of our senses in our work and life and some of these guys in the TED give us sense of deriving new thinking, ideas and how to materialize. Not only about the technologies, but we need to see this SixthSense.

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integrating information with the real world

アメリカの TED放映されていたMITのメディアラボの天才達のプレゼンは数年前のもので古いですが、未だにイノベーションプログレッショんや考え方については新鮮で勉強になります。30歳でサムソンの研究所所長就任となってしまったのは残念ですが、こういうイノベーターたちがどんどんと集まるこの国に学ぶ点は多いです。