
新・アメリカ進出 設立登記から事業支援



一回り以上後輩の方がシカゴでショップをオープン、そしてシカゴの和な老舗店を買収。また、新たなお店2店舗を友人が開設中。更には、仲間のご両親がジャズカフェをオープン。シカゴだけでなく全米で新たなローンチが続いていて賑やかです。 年明けは2日から…

The New Killer Apps

The Daylight Saving Time ended and we have one more hour to read today. The book by my friend's brother, "The New Killer Apps: How Large Companies Can Out-Innovate Start-Ups." Highly recommended as this is not only good for the large corpo…

Daylight Savings

QuartzThe US needs to retire daylight savings and just have two time zones?one hour apart --- Please let me know your opinions on this next week. How can we save time and not feel physical time zone difference, especially the East-bound tr…