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Supplier Diversity Team

Thanks to GM Supplier Diversity Team and the Tier 1 suppliers for putting together nice event and tools prepared. インディアナ南部に続き、ミシガン出張でした。 アメリカのかつては世界最大の自動車メーカーでのMBEプライベートイベントに参戦して…


photo: Anzu At Federal Reserve Bank. In support of FORTUNE 500 companies trying to increase minority spending and we hope to be able to contribute to them. Our preparation for the NMSDC and business development efforts continue. Thanks for…


Back from Michigan... Thanks to NMSDC, CMSDC, and CBOF49 organizers for their support in putting great events this week! Hope to see you at the national event in October. Hope that all of the FORTUNE companies will continue to put their ef…

Toyota SD

2015 Toyota Supplier Diversity two day event was so inspiring and great that the whole planning and the key note speaker was the best ever in my life, hinting all of us to get better each day and how to do that to be able to be in the diff…