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Managing Director of Bridgestone just got done with the golf tournament. Great job, Tiger! The Bridgestone Invitational was great and your sponsorship til 2018 is great too! Many of you may know Mr. Takenami formerly from METI. Bridgestone…

New Weapon

Test drive day today. As another competition is approaching, let's see how this thing will blast over my previous Nike driver. Everything has both advantages and disadvantages. Adjusting to anything new takes time, but either I have to mak…


Fox Run Golf Links. 猛暑もひと段落、ゴルフ場まで家から0.9km、車で行くより歩いていった方が早いゴルフ場で最終決戦。 アメリカに同級生が600名以上いますが、またまた一人が帰国となってしまいました。 きっとまたアメリカに来るさ、という希望感あるだ…


(6/10/2012) I love Kemper Lakes Golf Club! It's over 90F/32C out here and great day for the outing and OY. http://kemperlakesgolf.com/ 毎日毎日、シカゴも最高の天気ですね! 恒例イベントとして完全に定着した、初夏の美しきロケ地の名門ケンパー…