
新・アメリカ進出 設立登記から事業支援



インテグラル・テクノロジー株式会社 の中立メッシュ自動作成およびソリッドメッシュ抽出のインテグラルを北米で販売をスタートいたしました! シミュレーション作業が在宅でも作業が可能になるように、設計用ソフトウェアの利用ライセンスを会社内での利用…

Fighting with Depression

Currently going through my hyper detox right now for the forth week with no-smoke and generally have to go through depression phase... In the water for 2 hours today after the work out. Will get ready for the Ironman, so bear with me. I wi…

Media Strategy

Please teach me what are some of your corporate media strategies these days? Got monthly article writing requests from some of the magazine publishers. It seems that the media strategies are getting diverse and fast-changing these days, co…

Intern Marketers

A mini project for our intern alumni. ITA intern alumni (still university students in Japan) are asked to come up with overseas products that they think will succeed in the Japanese market (with few other terms n conditions), actually impo…


I expect that there will definitely be shortages of talents in the global workforce. As a small sign of this, a small venture company like us see increasing number of collaboration projects are coming in now. Hope we can expand our team me…

2013 Shin's Week 3

lifetimefitnessThe week ended with steam room. Oh, gossssshhhhhhhhh~! This is like the Summer in Japan. A great training to prepare for the summer business trip to Japan and detox for the week's grime and dirt. 今週も一週間お疲れ様でしたっ…

2013 Week 2 - Back Home!

Mirrus Back in Chicago now and I've played with the Mirrus digital mirror ads in the men's room at O'Hare. It's been a long tough week and need some good rest. I hope to recuperate and see you soon. さて、今週もお疲れ様でしたっ! 無事にオ…

Thanks Everyone & 2012!

We would like to extend our appreciation to everyone for your warm support for us and our teams throughout the year.We wish you a Happy New Year and a prosperous 2013. I would like personally to thank our team as well and congratulate thre…


各所の皆様、週末にも拘らず、お疲れ様です。 デンバー、シカゴ、ヒューストン、愛知、東京をはじめシステム開発やリサーチ・コンサルの新規プロジェクトの始動にむけてテレコンが続いております。 さて、弊社インターンのOB/OGたち(現役の大学2年生、3年…

What's New ITA Inc.

Chicago's ITA event was very nice to be able to attend for the two years in a row. The mood in the neighbors and streets are nice. Although many people and companies are winding down towards the end of the year, but some companies are alre…


シカゴの週末は17℃と暖かで、明日は20℃近くになる模様です。 さて、週末もインターン関係の打合せなど、はやくも来年の春以降の話が多いです。 弊社での2013インターンシップトレーニングプログラムの応募を頂いております。 ・2013 - 同志社大学(1) ・2013 …


日本最強仕入れ情報誌『ザ・バイヤー』が発刊されました。 〜弊社も記事掲載を頂きました〜大出版様、いつも有難うございます!「仕入れ」は、売り上げにも利益にも直結する重要な活動です。世界中のあらゆる商売において、もっとも重要視されてきました。 …

ITA Inc. アイアンマン

最近、風邪をひいている方を見かけます。 常に私と闘っている弊社の総務・経理の鈴木さん(元・三菱商事シカゴ)、鼻かぜひとつひかずに休みどころか”常に” オンタイム、しかも何年も。 言うは易しで渋滞等を勘案すると難しい。 周りの方々に蔓延させて欲し…

Japan Interns Rush to Chicago

Total of 32 intern students from Japan plan to come to our company and Chicago for global business & life-long training this year. I have been moved by the heart warming applicant's letters from candidates in Japan. Many Japanese companies…

ITA, Inc. Facebook

シカゴのビジネスSNS、ITA, Inc.のフェースブックをよろしくお願いします。