
新・アメリカ進出 設立登記から事業支援


With Anthony Bourdain in Tokyo

The Unknown Parts of the World - Anthony Bourdain in Tokyo, Japan. Hope he will be able to dig deeper into much more of Japan's unknown parts for us. Hope to see you back in Chicago soon, and I wish to return to The States somehow.


With the inventor of Segway, Mr. Dean Kamen. Today, he was awarded as one of the Thomas Edison of this age. He wasn't the expert of Segway when he invented and so was the Right borthers when they invented airplanes. People look for the exp…


Farewell... 足利工業大学附属高等学校・足利工業短期大学附属高校の交換留学プログラム支援、27年目に突入。今年は若者達の顔色がずいぶんと良くなってきたと感じます。人数も三倍増になってきているので今後が楽しみです。Elk Grove High Schoolにも感謝…


アメリカで二年間のステルスモードで推進され誕生した脅威の3Dプリンター、カーボン3D。 アメリカ人たちとの軽食時に、近くに居たアメリカ人仲間が歩み寄ってきて、この新技術って知ってるか?と。従来の25−100倍、場合によっては(材料等の変更で)1,000…


Our 469th and 120th for high school interns completed here in Chicago. Thank you all for all of your warm and precious support. Team Chicago is getting bigger and bigger with more and more supports. On the other hand, I feel gettin' older …

Japanese Masters

Having masters globally are so important in our lives. Special thanks to the master Shindo, an Honorary Hoosiers, Mr. Shindo. KIZUNA...Best wishes for the MSI's RR launch in Chicago in May 2015! Thanks for the opportunities to arrange thes…

The Cultural Types Lewis Model

Lewis Model It seems each day we face new markets and really need to recognize the cultural business differences to learn how their business are driven so that we may be able to facilitate properly. Sometimes we face multi-cultural and tha…

Japan Culture Nite

Thanks for everyone's great support. It was great stage of the Japanese culture presentations to the teens and tweens here~! Special Thanks to: Village of Schaumburg | Thomas Dooley Elementary School | School District 54 | Schaumburg Oyano…


日々、米人たちからじゃんじゃんくる、膨大な既存のメジャーとの連動型の新アプリ。 コミュニケーションのあり方が大幅に変わってきそうですね。主にコミュニケーションをアクセレレートするためのものなので便利なのでしょうが、ユーザーサイドが追い付かず…


Writing in foreign language made easy. Free native proofing SNS by Lang-8. Let the natives help you. Making these habits and continuing is much more difficult than starting.. LANG-8はじめての方 以前は英語で資料を渡しても数行ですら拒否して…

440th Intern - YUKI

Great Job, YUKI! 海外で働く日本人、、、120万人+ アメリカで働く日本人、、、40万人+ 弊社インターンシップ、、、440人+ インターン同期、KEIさんに次いでインターンシップが修了したYUKIさん。 (最近、バタバタですっかりリンクトインも放置状態の様…

Jim Osborne

Jim has been with Chicago Bears as DT for thirteen years (1972-1984). A very respectable gentleman and we all have a lot to learn from him. It was great to meet him as part of the business team now. NFLスター選手もプロフェッショナル: ジム…

Found Our Vessels...

Through Marine Traffic Com, zoom in and zoom in and we were able to pinpoint where our ships were! The West Coast port problems affecting both Ocean and Air shipments around the world. The supply chain management is becoming critical. Bein…


Level257 will open this month in Woodfield Mall in Schaumburg! For those who could not go beyond the stage 256 and on, now you can in different ways. Stay tuned and enjoy this new amusement space from Japan. This will be much closer than R…


The best funnel cake in Chicago! One of the best desert choice to be asked to bring them to the Japanese market. 2015に入ってから怒涛の連続調で、Funnel Cakeも200本突破。 日本からのインターンたちやギャルたちが原宿でいける!と絶賛の某ファネ…

PINPOINT Marketing

We now have Pinpoint Marketing Japan, Inc. as our partner for the marketing consulting and US market entry. As the global market is constantly expanding, so many of the Japanese companies lacks hands and require support in expanding their …


日本からジャブジャブと様々な方々が多数来られています。 そのような中、 本日、日本からのお客様の社長から、「日本では社員が会社に来る、 アジアでは会社に稼ぎに来る、欧米では儲けに来る」との働くことへ の姿勢がまるで違うことを仰って、その通りだ…


1871.com Special thanks to Rippleshot! 全米の最先端インキュベーターを研究しつくして運営している最強版@シカゴ 起業の最強支援CEC、テクノロジーの最強支援ITSC、デジタルスタートアップ、 ついでGoogleをはじめ、FORTUNEグローバル企業たちが出入りし…


CES went very well and now 2015 AHR stating next week in Chicago would be another very important event for many of the Japanese trying to save energy in both industrial and residential environment, not only for their own good but to let th…


弊社では商業用の 省エネ、遮熱、節電用の窓フィルムを海外から日本市場へ提供してまいりました。導入用のツールなどを含めると仕入先も4か国になってまいりました。 また、今回、建設資材展ではマジックガラス(ブース)を出展します。 マジックガラス、そ…


Congratulations for the double award winning! During the 2015 CES, we are grateful that our team companies receive great awards. 2015 CES Innovation Awards Honorees for LiveWedge and XON received 2015 TOP of Tech Awards on different produc…

Thanks Dotsie!

Dotsie Bausch Masimo's MightySat finger-tip pulse oximeter in training was just amazing getting to the top speed in seconds and has inspired me a lot. There's also patch-type monitoring devices too. How do you monitor your health condition…

Thank you all and 2014

As many of you also told me, the year 2014 was the fastest year ever for me as well and 2015 will even be a much much faster one. Quite a new challenges shall take place for us in the new year. Yes, they say "Let it go", and I wish to see …